I’ve always wanted to have a pond. Sadly Teresa has a terror of frogs n’ toads. So she’s less keen. But I think she’ll learn to love it (and them), in time. I call it a pond complex on account of it being two ponds and a connecting channel.

We’re going to line it with recycled pond-liner, from Simon and Claire’s old (they got rid of it!) pond. They now have extensive decking instead.
So thanks Pops n’ Claire. Let’s hope the old and somewhat knackered lining will ‘live again’! Talking of old n’ knackered…

Neither pond will be very large – our garden, whilst long-ish, is pencil thin! – nor very deep. And the connecting channel will prob’ only be 8-10” deep, and about as wide.

It was so bright it was very hard to get a decent pic of the whole, on my iPhone, esp’ what with the cramped space, etc. So the above image, the main pond and the beginnings of the connecting channel (at top left), isn’t great.
But hopefully with phase two – weed suppression lining and then the pond liner proper – it’ll start looking clearer. And once there’s water in there – it’s supposed to rain tomorrow – even better!

In the pic’ above things are a tad clearer, I hope? Near to the camera is pond # one, the ‘master’ pond (slightly larger, a fair bit deeper), then there’s the connecting channel, ‘bridge’, and at the back, the secondary, or ‘slave’ pond.
I plan to have some kind of bridge across the wee channel. Poss’ two or three meaty timbers, such as this temporary one, above. I’d rather they were either flush with the soil, or at least sunken a few inches. Just plopped atop the lawn* is ok for now tho’!
* All our ‘lawn’ areas are more like brownfield meadows, right now!
Wow that’s creative thinking put into action wishing you complete success with this project, looks as if you need to take it a bit easier on yourself. Very much love, Pops xxx
Thanks, Pops 😉