MiSC: Burnt-Down House, Ramsey Forty Foot.

This is the sort of sight very common in war zones, a house burnt-down, nought left but brickwork. A very common sight in WWII Russia, where chimneys were very often the only parts of a building not made of combustible wood.

Quite dramatic!

But not the sort of thing you often see at the side of a road in the UK.

The scaffolding is suggestive of somebody trying to work on the property. So, was this arson? an accident? or someone just getting sick of trying to restore something too far gone?

The two fireplaces remain relatively recognisable. Especially this still tiled one. The burned ghost of the mantelpiece is rather haunting.

Looking back to the road and our car.

I’d driven past this numerous times. Always thinking I should stop and take pics, before it gets cleaned up. And so I finally did just that.

Walking all around the charred remains of what was once somebody dwelling was an intriguing experience.

Quite a salutory reminder of the impermanence of the things we make, from our homes to our very lives.

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