Home: Kitchen re-Paint

Spice rack
The colour before… *

Late-ish in the evening, I decided to tape off the kitchen, ready for a repaint tomorrow. that was done so quickly, however, that I chose to do the re-painting right away. One whole sampler pot did the room. There’s really not too much surface area that needs covering.


Certainly it’s an improvement. But I’m not 100% sure it’s quite right. Thinking I might buy another sample pot tomorrow, and do a second coat. Should I stick to the same colour, or go with something a little more sagacious?


I’ll be painting a lot of the woodwork – skirting mouldings, door, window, etc. – white. As I did in the bathroom. So I may need to buy some more Permoglaze. I’m planning to totally rebuild the kitchen cabinets, etc. But they’ll almost certainly be painted some other different colour. In the meantime, it’s nice to gradually improve things.


We need to sort out all the curtains and associated fittings as well. Then there’s the butler sink. And the outside tap… sheesh kabop. It never ends!

* Not accurate colour reproduction!

The following day, tape off:

Spice rack back up.
Utensils back up.
Door and curtain now need attention.

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