I’m wondering whether I ought to move my military history and mini-military hobbies stuff over to my main sebpalmer.com area?
I’m finding that I can do WordPress ok on my iPhone, but Google Blogspot stuff is harder to do. And so my activity on AQOS (aquestionofscale.blogspot) has fallen into desuetude.
This is partly ‘cause I do very little on my iMac any more. And that’s for two main reasons: a general antipathy to computer based travails; and my iMac being old, and running shite.

* As pictured on the inner dust-jacket of an edition of his work entitled, 1812, which narrates the Russian campaign…
Anyway, I was looking at AQOS, to see what books by Antony Brett-James I’d read and reviewed. And I was mighty surprised to see that, whilst I’ve read two, and I’m now reading a third, I appear not to have reviewed any of them!?
I’m startled. I usually always review any Napoleonic literature I read. It may be that I did reviews but they only went up on Amazon.co.uk. If so, they may be lost forever, as Amazon deleted all my (thousands of) reviews, when they booted me off Vine. No explanation ever given!
Considering the many hours unpaid work that went in to so many of my reviews – esp’ the stuff on non-Vine things, like music and literature/military history – I think this was/is pretty shoddy.
I did back up some of my reviews. But not all of them, alas. There’s a lesson to be learned there, methinks; always keep my own copy of any such writings!
So, last night, I thought reading some Napoleonic history might help me sleep. I chose this book. It didn’t help me sleep! But I did enjoy what little reading I managed to do.

* He knew the cost of war first. Not just fighting in it. But losing his brother, Ivor, two years his junior, who died in the Sicily campaign (I think?), 1943.
I’ve certainly both got and have read Brett-James’ 1812, subtitled Eyewitness Accounts of Napoleon’s Defeat in Russia.

I can’t believe I haven’t written a review of it!? I’ll have to have a root around in my digital archives, and see if I can find anything. Of else read and review it again?
I had started Europe Against Napoleon, some time back. But – very unusually for me – I’d not finished it. I think this belongs to my fairly recent reading burn-out phase.