Home: Bathroom Re-Paint #2

Today I bought two sample pots of Feathers of a Dove, from the trusty B&Q Valspar range, plus a single pot of Sculpting Clay. The Feathers is for the bathroom, and the Clay is for… well… I’m not sure yet.

1st coat of Feathers of a Dove.

I painted directly over the Quiet Rain; these Valspar paints do a great job of covering previous layers/colours.

Even though the texture of the Artex is much reduced, it’s still quite an undulating surface, which makes it more paint hungry. Getting the new colour into all the recesses is quite tiring work.

These Valspar paints cover well.

With a partial second coat wherever it looked like it was required, and the Frog tape removed, I can see – in the pic below – that I need to neaten up around the edges. But I’m planning to paint all the woodwork white anyway, so it should wind up looking much tidier. I’ll also need to paint the coving.

Frog tape removed…

Yes, looking sooo much better. It’s a lovely colour, cool, calm, but also with a warm note. Just great! And such an improvement on the more trad but overly intense blue we had before.

Much better!

With the mirror and med-cab back up, the room is looking decidedly improved. I’m itching to start in on the white woodwork.

Painting the large window.

Aargh… couldn’t resist! Started by taping off the woodwork, and have now applied an undercoat. May do a second undercoat. Or I may go straight to the wonderful Permoglaze. Either way, I’ll have to restrain myself… if I can, and do that tomorrow!

And the smaller window, etc.

Oh ‘eck… Compulsion to paint found me giving it a coat of the Permoglaze, before turning in. I reckon it’ll need a second coat tomorrow, before I can de-Frog. And I need to do the door and the wooden parts of the bath, as well. It never seems to end!

You can see what remains of the Artex texturing here.
Permoglazing the window frames.

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