I made a cardboard sports car model during lockdown, pictured above. Just a bit of simple primitive fun. It wasn’t even a real car. Just a kind of amalgamated mix of classic sports car shapes/looks.
My dad recently bought me this book, which was nice (thanks, Pops!):
I wanted this book because I have fond memories of dad or I (or both of us!) making a card sports car of this type, from a crafting book, when I was a wee bairn. I thought it’d be nice to use it as ref’ for an adult revisitation of this kind of childish fun.
So that’s what I’m doing, whilst watching the Selby vs. Brecel final, on TV. I’ve selected a car I’ve never heard of before. The Pacey Hassan. And I’ve started working up ‘profiles’ (if that’s what you call ‘em?) to use in scaling up or down the overall shape.
I’ll probably transfer these sketches to my iMac. And then tidy them up a bit. For accuracies sake. I’m not being super anal about this. I’m going to keep it all basic and sketchy. We’re not aiming at a perfect replica. Just using this particular Bentley variant as an inspiration.