Home: Bathroom Re-Paint #1

As mentioned in my previous post, the bathroom is horrible. So we decided to re-paint. I did it all today, and – due to the Artex element – it was a lot of hard work. Sunday, a day of rest? Not this time!

Valspar, Quiet Rain
Valspar, Quiet Rain

Bizarrely, although the swatch we went for didn’t appear, to us, that similar to the previous colour, it wound up coming out both darker, and equally intensely blue. Not what we wanted at all. So I’m going to have to re-paint again! I’ve even left the Frog tape in situ, an open admission that I’m not content to leave as is.

Oh well… ne’er mind! Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett O’Hara says.

Bathroom quiet rain
Bathroom repainted in Quiet Rain.

One good thing that’s come out of it all, however, is that I’ve really reduced the degree of Artex texture. I haven’t gone for a completely flat surface, as I did elsewhere in the house. But rather than the stippled nipples that we had formerly, which are spiky enough to draw blood if you scrape against them, the surface is now merely irregular. Almost like some kind of animal/dinosaur hide!?

Valspar, Asian Silk
Valspar, Asian Silk

I have a sample pot of Asian Silk, pictured above. But we intend to repaint the kitchen in a very similar sagey green. So that’s poss too close. My current favourite is Feathers of a Dove, pictured below. It’s a lovely warm grey, with some green and beige in it.

Valspar, Feathers of a Dove
Valspar, Feathers of a Dove

I do also rather like Sculpting Clay. I have to admit I like both the colour and the name. Indeed, I like a lot of the name/colour combos in the current Valspar range. I even like going and getting the colours. I shop therefore I am. Homo Consumerus?

Valspar, Sculpting Clay
Valspar, Sculpting Clay

We had a bit of a panic on today, what with me going for the Artex removal as well as the painting, starting late last night and working through till gone six today. We were supposed to have an AirB&B guest arriving. And the whole house, but the bathroom especially, was a mess. Check in is 6pm, and we’d just about got everything ship shape in time. But he hasn’t shown up yet, and it’s 10pm now.

We’ve had last minute cancellations before. But this is looking like being our first outright no show.

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