ART/MUSiC: Claymation Curtis?

Hey… he’s a Superfly guy!

We’re round at my sister’s again. Looking after Ali and Sofi. And on this occasion I thought they might enjoy some plasticene fun. So I bought a bit, whilst on a shopping trip with Sofi to the local giant Tesco. I expected them to stock plasticene (they used to). But they don’t anymore. Shocking! Wound up getting some from a pound shop close by.

Open handed, or spread-eagled?

I opted to make a claymation style Curtis Mayfield, circa 1970. Wearing his distinctive yellow outfit, as sported on the cover of his 1970 album, Curtis.

For some reason I’ve always wanted to make a plasticene Curtis! I’d also like to animate him. I wonder if animator sister Amy might be able to help/collaborate?

Slightly less awkward pose.

I have to confess I’m rather pleased with his spectacles. Making them was tricky but fun. And I think the results are ok. I also need to make him a guitar, and poss a beaded necklace.

Dig those flying lapels!

The lapels are, as they often were back then, hoooge!!! The white shirt was actually paisley patterned. But I don’t think I’ll bother with that! I may detail his yellow suit a bit more, poss’ with some stitching type marks.

The eyes don’t quite have it, yet.

It’s not the best likeness of Curtis. And I’m not crazy about his eyes. But hopefully I can improve on them a bit? I’m pretty pleased with his mouth and nose. And even his beard and hair.

Those hands and feet!?

I tried mixing red and black to get an oxblood type shoe colour. But the black, despite only being 33% of the mix, totally dominates!

Salt’n’pepper, doing an ‘ebony and ivory’ subtext.
Curtis looks rather abstracted… far away?
Getting him packed for the journey home.

I’ll be making him a guitar and strap when we get home. And poss’ also the aforementioned necklace(s)? I need to research what guitar he was using round this time. I think he used an unusual ‘black keys’ tuning as well.

Trying for a side-angle shot
Man, I’m chuffed wi’ ‘is glasses?.

Cryogenically frozen for the trip home.

Anyway, that was great fun! I don’t ever get round to this sort of thing much any more. I very much hope I can somehow get an animation out of it.

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