Home: Paella, Rioja & Armagnac

Paella #3

Well, no Farmacy Kitchen food tonight after all. Instead, Paella #3. This time I really browned the chicken off nicely. I left out chorizo altogether, added a bit more paprika,  and substituted asparagus for artichoke. Turned out really well. I got a fab socarrat at the bottom of the pan. Delish!


Bought a £5 Rioja from Sainsburys, to go mit der paella, and it was nice enough. They had some Armagnac on offer as well, which seduced me. Had a wee dram, and jolly nice it was to.

Didn’t do anything of great significance in the DIY domain today, other than tidy up the shed a bit, mostly bringing in FC windows/window-frames, so as not to ruin them by leaving them outside too long. They’re destined for the art and music studio build, at some future point. Might use some of ’em in finishing the greenhouse… dunno!?

Saw bench
Second coat of LFO.

And I put a second coat of Liberon Finishing Oil on the saw-bench as well. I’ll do one more coat tomorrow. And then that’s done. Was going to let a Teresa use it as a table for a bit. But I’ll make her a dedicated one, and get my saw-bench into the workshop.

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