I find it continually astonishing and very depressing that, despite all these years of Tory misrule, right wing idealogues still hold the reigns of power. And they continue to accelerate us backwards in time politically and economically, all the while lowering our standing in the global community.
And what’s perhaps as depressing as the damage they continue to inflict on the body politic is their snake oil patter, by which means they attempt to dress up their depredations in a favourable light, such that a gullible public fails, year after year, decade after decade, to attribute the mess the (barely) United Kingdom is in to these piratical free-market freebooters, who somehow keep either being elected, or succeeding to power.
The only thing Brexit was ever about, for the Tory robber-barons, was escaping those meddling EU restrictions on unfettered rapine capitalism. They now have the brass monkeys to suggest that ‘unleashing’ capitalism will bring about the much touted ‘levelling up’ that it delivers nowhere on earth. Only with strict government supervision and intervention can capitalism be prevented from its most ‘natural ’ outcome, which is to increase wealth disparity, concentrating wealth in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.
That’s what this latest budget unashamedly does. And not only that, they dress up the flogging off of more public assets, and the stripping of safety measures and environmental protection as some kind of ‘liberation’. It ought to be astonishing beyond belief. But such Orwellian double-speak is the stock in trade of modern Toryism, and has been ever since Thatcherism.