Home: Finishing Cupcake Application.

Area cleared, still in old colour.

Today I finished painting the downstairs lounge in Cupcake. I may do a bit more, and make the rear wall of the fireplace end of the room (just visible at left, behind the guitar, in the pic above) Cupcake as well, instead of the yellowy-orange we inherited from Clive. But, for now, this means all the walls and other bits and bobs that were in the rather too pale and cold off-white are in the new nicer, warmer colour.

Part way through…

I should’ve taken before and after pics of the under-stairs area, as I stripped out some horrible plasterboard, loaded with Artex, which had been slathered on in Van-Gogh-feeling-seasick impasto swirls. That went to the dump, and I’ve left the underneath of the stairs as raw wood for now, as you can see.

I have possible plans brewing in my noggin, re putting some under stair built-in cupboards here, possibly even with an area for stowing the MX5 hardtop. But for now I just rearranged the furniture a tiny bit, swapping the table and desk/cabinet around, and moving the shoe boxes/rack over to where Teresa keeps all her shoes, under the window, by the radiator.

Done, plus a bit of rearranging, into the bargain.

I’ve moved the tatty studio-armchair (covered with a very dark brown throw in the pic above, to the right of the lamp) tight up against the red sofa, where before there was a gap. This has meant the lamp had to come forward a few inches, so the base cleared the feet of the chairs.

I also moved the clock-mounting screw higher up the wall, so the clock is now well clear of the top of the lamp, where formerly it was too low, and partially obscured. Now we just need to get the clock cleaned and up and running. It’s interesting how in the daylight Cupcake looks like clotted cream, whereas in the evenings it appears to take on a richer more custardy colour.

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