I’ve been teaching a few pupils parts of the superb song Tamborine, from Prince’s Around The World In A Day. It’s a great track, full stop. But from a drummer’s perspective? I think it’s sublime.
It’s funny that sometimes it takes someone who’s not primarily a drummer to come up with the greatest drum parts. Think of Jaco on Teen Town, or Prince here. These guys lay down killer grooves, and then pepper them with some of the spiciest fills I’ve ever had the pleasure to chew on.
I think the fact that I had to dial up Tamborine on YouTube numerous times whilst teaching it has the algorithmic predicto-bots deciding I’m looking for more early Prince. And so it was that I came across the music linked to above.
Apparently it was a trio of Prince, with bassists Cymone, and drummer Bobby Z. And Prince was just 19, at this point! It’s a fascinating and enjoyable listen.