I have a mini-military hobby blog, which I’ve more or less stopped doing. Not a plan! Just an evolution. That one actually had readers. Not many. But some.
Now I’m focused more on this here blog. And I wonder, should I (can I?) bring the other blog – AQOS, or A Question Of Scale – over to sebpalmer.com?
Actually I also had another one, on a musical axis. That’s still out there on ye inter web. But I’ve not posted to that one in even longer than I’ve not posted to the wargaming and modelling one.
And then there are the why bother?/who cares? aspects. But, for the time being at least, I find blogging a sort of therapeutic form of modern journal.
I’d like it if others read it, or found things interesting. But that’s not essential. It fulfils a purpose for me by merely existing. A kind of online notebook for me, as well as some sort of reassurance that I actually exist!
I’ve never been much of an extrovert or performer, to be honest. So in a way I’m quite happy ‘performing’ to the void!