The large and rather unwieldy plastic under-tray ought to be fixed at about nine points. One old and two new bolts secured the flat frontal portion nicely enough. But at the rear, one old bolt had to suffice. The other (passenger side) bolt had broken off, and remained in her hole. So I had to zip-tie that off!
Both sides of yon under-tray go up into the wheel arches. But the two holes on either side don’t seem to correspond with any locating holes in the body. So they’ve been left – see picture directly below – as is.
So now all that really remains is the major coolant leak, which urgently needs addressing. I’d bought a few bits at BOFIracing, inc a new thermostat gasket, and rubber doodads for the soft-top latches. I installed the latter there and then, before a surprise visit to mum and Malcolm, who live nearby.
As it happened they’d already passed me, earlier in the day. So my surprise wasn’t quite as complete as planned. But still, it was nice to visit them with the ol’ jalopy back on the road! Albeit still suffering from the coolant leak.
As can be seen, from the above photo, the old (new!) gasket needed removing. And the two faces of the thermostat housing needed to be thoroughly cleaned and flattened.
The gasket originally in the car seemed to be made of something metal like, and brittle. And was in pieces. Whereas both of the new gaskets appeared to be made of card, or some similar compacted fibrous material.
I got conflicting advice about adding RTV, belt and braces style, to this gasket. I’d done so on the previous newly installed one, and that failed. So this time I just left it at the gasket, and torqued up my nuts – ouch! – to the appropriate degree.
And so far so good! She’s holding. No major coolant issues since I did this.
Whilst at BOFI, I enquired re a complete engine bay hose set. And they have them in, at roughly £100. That’s something I’ll do as soon as funds allow. There is another lesser coolant leak, coming from the very old and worn out main radiator hose (the radiator end clip of which is busted!).
I’ve taken her out for several runs since things have been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Having my wheels back is sheer bliss!