Today I decided to have the trigger wheel off, in case that was what was making the engine wheeze, stutter, stammer and stall.
I wondered if I’d put it on the wrong way round; was the concave or convex part pointing forward? And was it aligned as it should be tooth position wise?
Taking it off required yet another dis-assemble/re-assemble routine. I think I’ve done it all five times now, since starting these repairs! I suppose I’m getting better at it, as a result.
I’m also getting to know my car better. Decided to name her Maisie!
I’m not really watching it, but in the background we have the TV on, and Hungary are humiliating England with a 4-0 pasting.
One job that remains to be done is re-installing the plastic engine under-tray. It was barely attached before. And came off pretty easily. In trying to re-attach it, I realised it should have been quite differently installed.
I was unable to do it at all, for want of the right tool; some of the plastic ‘splash guards’ I need to remove are attached with doodads that I can’t get to. I need an L-shaped Philips head tool to get into the very confined space in the wheel arches. So I’ve ordered a set from Amazon. Should be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I’d best just drive gently and carefully!