DAYS iN/DiY: Home & Garden – Shed footing cont.

A semi-pano’…

So, the ‘big dig’ solo gig continues. As of this evening I’m within one foot of completing the basic slab first scoop.

And another semi-pano’.

Using my iPhone to snap pics, even using the ‘pano’ option, isn’t great. I might get a fisheye lens, or wide-angle? Or a set with both, perhaps?

Tomorrow Chester is supposed to be neutered. But I suspect that may not happen, on account of his ‘impaired digestion’. We shall see, I guess.

I wonder how many tons of waste I’ve removed from our garden? Even just during this latest episode, it’s been a fair amount. I should’ve tried to keep track and work it out.

I suppose I can still weigh – how, I wonder? – a bucket full of earth, another full of stone, and one with weeds/plant matter. Then I could at least guesstimate.

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