MEDiA: The Re-Assembler, James May

Cracking Reithian TV, educating, informing, entertaining. Brilliant!

I don’t know why, but there are just three episodes of this terrific TV programme on Prime at present. And I watched them in reverse order: guitar, telephone, lawn mower.

Utterly wonderful!

About to start the guitar…
… nearly finished.
The final piece… the pick!*

* Not really part of the guitar. I mean, I play guitar quite a lot. And I never use a plectrum.

The old Bakelite telephone is a thing of beauty. It looks great. And the ringing bells? It sounds great as well. We simply must have one!

Paddington 233?

I’m not really one for GIFs, they’re dumber than Trump, by and large. But I did like the bit in the guitar episode when May discussed and demo’d’ ‘air engineering’ (as opposed to air guitar). And when I googled for pics of the show as a whole, the GIF below did make me smile. What am I becoming?

The lawn-mower man…
… assembles the engine.

I adored these programmes. Why are there only the three episodes (currently available on Amazon Prime), I wonder? I seem to recall seeing others when they came out on BBC4, a ways back. I want to see the other episodes!

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