MiSC: The Boss Approves

The ultimate seal of approval, Tiggy takes his place.

I actually had my saw bench in my workshop today, and stood on it whilst painting the higher regions of the rear wall. It then came back in the house, with a view to Teresa using it.

Tig bench
The Boss approves.

But our moggy had plans of his own: a new object in the room? It must be there for me to sit on. What else could it possibly be for? He’d wanted to sit on it earlier, but had detected the Danish Oil wasn’t 100% dry.

I enjoyed making the bench, and I already love using it. It’s even nicer when other folk, be they human or cat, choose to use it.

Chest o'drawers
The renovated chest, in our room.

Oh, and I moved the chest o’drawers up to our room. I still need to fabricate a few bits of missing trim. And the second drawer still needs some fiddling before it’ll go back in. But most of the major repairs – gluing, nailing, fabricating trim and missing components (e.g drawer-stops and -slides) – is done.

I ejnoyed taking the Ikea drawers apart. I’m keeping the drawer-slide components, for possible future use. But the chest of drawers itself is destined for the local municipal dump.

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