HOME/DiY/MUSiC: Guitar Hangers, and Patience!

My Chinese resonator geetah.

Damn, it’s hard to be patient! I had to refrain from hanging guitars on these for about 24 hours, as last time I wasn’t patient it caused the fixture to work itself loose. So I had to do the whole job all over again!

One of my numerous classical type guitars.

This time I achieved patience. And patience was rewarded! the guitar pictured above was one I recently bought locally, for about – if I recall aright? – £13!!! And with a gig bag! It’s a smaller sized classical, handy for taking into schools.

The room as a whole is way too cluttered. Plus the back wall these guitars are hanging on needs a lick o’ paint! But it’s great to have hit these guitars off the floor, where we’re forever having to move them, or worry about knocking and damaging them.

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