HOME/DiY: Workshop – Groundhog Days, or Tidying Up … (Again!)

I’m typing this at 3.22am, having woken in the night, about an hour ago. And not gotten back to sleep. Insomnia is a recurring issue these days, or, I should say, these nights.

Another recurring issue is clutter. Everywhere. In every room of our home, and in all the outdoor spaces. And, most likely, in my (our?) minds!

I’m determined to address this pressing problem, even if it’s slowly and gradually. That’s the only realistic way. I think. Over this half-term the primary focus, as well as the lounge area downstairs, for me, is my workshop.

Our pal Ken recently pointedly described my workshop as a storage area, as opposed to an actual workshop. The bleedin’ cheek! But in some respects he’s right. In order to work in there at all, never mind safely, I simply must get the place in to some semblance of order!

Things I’ve done recently to this end include building a tool caddy, and repeatedly going over everything trying to find places to store stuff, vacuuming regularly, and putting up various shelves and hooks, etc. Oh, and daily tidying up sessions.

Several further steps I ought to take include: creating efficient storage for abrasives, esp’ sandpaper; organising my wood supplies more efficiently (indoors and out); either making or putting into storage currently unattended music projects (drums and guitars!).

If I can do all these things this week, I shall be very pleased!

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