Workshop: saw-bench… finished!

saw bench
The finished saw-bench. Ta-dah!

To my great satisfaction, I’ve now finished making my saw-bench. Sanding, knocking back corners, and a coat of Danish oil occupied me for about three hours this morning.

Saw bench
The bench, up on an old ‘workmate’, in the back garden.

Thanks to James ‘Wood by’ Wright for both the inspiration and the knowledge on how to go about it. I chose to make mine much smaller, as my shed/workshop is tiny. And where he has funky 45° bench ends – which look very cool – I opted for a simpler space-saving regular rectangular design.

Another beautiful autumn day.

Once again, it’s turned out nice, and I did my two or three hours hard labour in the garden, under a clear blue sun-filled sky. Bliss!

Saw bench
My favourite bit of joinery in this project.

In terms of successful joinery, my proudest achievement in this project are the mortice and tenons on the top, that hold the seat/cutting boards. These fit pretty snugly, and – to my eyes – look lovely, with the contrasting grain orientations.

Saw bench
More mortice and tenon joy.

Truth is, they’re far from perfect. And, like the whole thing, they’re  bit ragged. But they’re a heck of  lot better than one or two of my dove-tails! In the end I haven’t, as yet, filled in any of the voids left by the sloppier joinery. I may yet. But for now I want to get on with other stuff, like finishing the chest o’drawers restoration.

Saw bench
It’s very rough and ready, but I like it!

It’s only had one coat of Danish Oil so far. I’ve ordered some Liberon Finishing Oil off Amazon. I might put another coat of Danish on, or poss the Liberon … hmm?

I’m hoping Teresa will use this for her bedside laptop table, until I’ve built her a dedicated one, and cleared some space in the workshop for this ‘un. I have to confess, as shoddy-woddy as my woodworking abilities currently are, I’ve really enjoyed making this; I’m quite pleased with and proud of it. Result!


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