Sunday, and I’m keen to finish the caddy project ASAP. But with lots else to do, all I managed was these handles. Cut on the table saw, with my primitive but effective sled. And then sanded/rasped into the curved shapes seen above.
The handles are glued and screwed, belt ‘n’ braces style. Making and fitting these was hard; the shaping of the innermost curves took much time and effort. Slow sanding gave way to more rapid rasping! The fixing to the caddy took less energy.
I brought the caddy inside to photograph it with less clutter around it. And I’m pleased with how it’s turned out.
The last things are: a clip for the tape measure (which is just perched on the handle in the above pic), and somewhere for a hammer to reside.
The right hand handle needed a tiny curved smidgeon knocking off with the rasp, and sanding smooth, in order to get the ‘lectric sharpener back into its cubby hole. That was both easy to do and very satisfying!
Do I paint this thing? Or stain/varnish it? Hmmm!? Anyway, just the clip for the tape measure left to do. Oh, and somewhere for a hammer!