BOOK REViEW: Explorers on the Moon, Hergé

Pt. II of Hergé’s epic lunar odyssey.

Having left Tintin and his fellow crew-members blacked-out aboard the moon rocket, Explorers On The Moon picks up where the final cliff-hanging page of Destination Moon left off.

Without giving anything away, suffice it to say that Hergé’s lunar exploration adventure doesn’t disappoint. With the hindsight we now have, parts appear by turn cutely fantastical or strikingly ‘prophetic’, given that Hergé was dreaming this all up on terra firma, prior to the actual moon-landings.

As usual there’s action, adventure, excitement and comedy. As well as the expected buffoonery of, for example, Capt. Haddock, there’s also villainy, heroism and tragedy, making this particular episode one of the darker Tintin stories, but all served up with that endearing boy-scout old-school adventurousness that makes all of these stories such enduring classics.


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