MEDiA: Facebook, Over & Out?

I’ve decided – not for the first time – to stop using Facebook.

Why? For several reasons. First, I waste a lot of time on FB, trawling through stuff I’m not really that interested in. And second, and most fundamentally, the way FB is run, and who by.

The amount of toxic crap FB showers me with… it’s just not something – like advertising generally (and especially gambling advertising) – I want to expose myself to.

I need to discipline myself to focus on things that will keep me happy and healthy, and help support me as a creator, not just a zombie consumer.

The Z.

As billionaires go, Zuckerberg seems more enlightened than most. But I think, along with some others, that such obscene wealth – concentrated in the hands of just one person – in the world as it currently is, should not be allowed.

Somebody – ironically on FB, I think? – said such folk should receive some kind of ‘congrats, you won the game of Capitalism’ type medal, or award, and have the bulk of their wealth redistributed for the benefit of the many.

Not only is such concentration of wealth obscene and immoral. It’s incredibly dangerous. Money is power in our current world. And such wealth gives certain individuals ridiculous leverage.

What Elon Musk is up to, right now in the US, in cahoots with the orange sock puppet, Trump, is extremely worrying. Gutting government in order to essentially privatise and make corporate the running of one of the worlds’ most powerful and dangerous powers.

Anyway, in an attempt to live a better live, FB… adieu.

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