FOOD & DRiNK/HEALTH & WELLBEiNG: Why The Cult o’ Coffee?

I recall reading, on several occasions, people wondering why coffee has become a cult.

One example of this may have been a Viz piece (I can’t recall exactly where it was) lampooning the idea that having a coffee was an ‘activity’.

I’ve been pleased to discover that it’s not just me who wonders why this particular bean has risen to such cult status. Reading stuff along the lines of, ‘is it ‘cause coffee might be the legal wonder-drug of choice fueling capitalism?’ type stuff.

Turning a stimulant that’s long and often been sold as a natural pick me up or energy booster into a cult hobby is a (literal) capitalist wet dream. Worship what allows you to work harder/longer.

Coffee can of course be very nice. But I’m amongst those who feel coffee worship has gone way too far.

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