ART: Palazzo Te, Giulio Romano’s Masterwork in Mantua

The image that got this train started.

I was perusing Teresa’s fab little book (poss 10,000 Years of Art?) and came across the image above. I liked it so much I snapped it, with my iPhone (see above pic).

I then decided to find out more about it. I’d thought it was just a painting. Flat. On canvas, most likely. But I discovered it was in fact a mural, or wall painting. And that it covers all but the floors of a room in a palace!

And a bit of searching lead to the discovery of the above pictured book. Which I promptly ordered. RRP is an eye watering £60! I managed to get a brand new copy for a little over half that amount.

My copy, arrived today.

My copy arrived today. It’s still shrink-wrapped, in the photo above. And… my God! It’s absolutely stunning. It’s a whole pleasure palace, adorned with the most opulent of interior decorations. Truly mindblowing.

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