CLOTHES/MUSiC: Funky Threads!

Arrived today.

Whilst digging all this groovy music from back in the day, I’ve also been cogitating on the funky sartorial thide of sings.

Collar up is good!
Uh-oh… have I lost it?

Or have I found it? What is IT? Poss’ my ‘mojo’? I decided, tempus fuckit, n’ all that, so let’s have a bit of fun. This is to be my special muso-funk outfit. Not for quotidian normality. But for musical fun only. And, very importantly, to be kept spotlessly clean n’ white!

I might will be addbig to this outfit. A polo/roll/turtle neck sweater. Some long beady necklaces, and a white or very pale cream sports jacket. What fun!

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