MEDiA: Epic Camel Adventure, Quest For Gobi Bear…

Wow! This is really terrific.

This a one of the best programmes I’ve seen in recent times. A proper slice of old school BBC factual television that educates, inspires, and uplifts. How Reithian is that!?

Gordon Buchanan, turns 52!

The bulk of the programme, is given over to us epic journey by Bactrian camel, across the Gobi Desert.

Buchanan and his Bactrian buddies.
Can’t help but love these amazing creatures.

The last 5-10 minutes culminates in both Buchanan’s 52nd birthday, and his encounter with the elusive and very rare Gobi Bear.

This has many levels of resonance for me: I am 52, soon to turn 53 (in just a few days!), and as a child I had a toy bear, that just so happened to be called… Gobby Bear!

A Gobi Bear!

Sadly, as ever, humanity is playing its doleful part in destroying life on Earth. The Gobi, The Sahara, ‘desertification’ is, it seems, something we have caused. Or at the very least exacerbated.

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