My adalimumab finally arrived today. I’m now about a month behind, injections wise. Most annoying! I used to have Humira, as pictured above. I’m now on Amgevita. But still using needles, not pens.
Whilst looking for pictures of the drugs I stumbled upon this, an interesting article about patient consent, re the changing from Humira to ‘biosimilars’. Something that I believe has happened to me.
Also arrived today, the above. Part three of N. A. M. Rodger’s epic history of Britain’s Navy. I got this with a voucher from Pat, who also arrived today! Thank, Pat.
We watched a couple of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies, and had Duck Soup, using Xmas dinner leftovers. Delish’! I came up to bed at 7.30 pm. Early, as is my wont these days.
Before I embark on the third and final instalment of Roger’s mammoth history, I’m reading this:
This is the only Tintin album I’ve been missing, all these years. I even have the unfinished Alph Art. Lake of Sharks isn’t actually part of the official canon (it’s not written by Hergé, or his studio). At least not anymore.
I’ve never seen the animated film version, either. So this is kind of ‘totally new’, at least to me, despite its age (1973, nearly as old as me).
Well… just finished Lake of Sharks, and it’s alright. Although it’s not an official Hergé creation, it captures the spirit of his work (and had his blessing, so to speak). Albeit slightly altered by the different style of the backgrounds.
All told, it’s okay. I’d give it three and a half, or maybe four stars. I’ll do a ‘proper’ review another time…