Before we set off, for Dad’s, Teresa called me upstairs to see Chester. Bagpuss was the reason. Very sweet!

We had a fab’ spag’ bol’ type meal. Teresa contributed some veg. It was really lovely. With plenty of grated cheese, and garlic bread. Delish’!

Attempted some normal aspect ratio photography. And got a couple of usable pics. We then tried numerous attempts at some panoramic snaps. Most turned out pretty badly. This is the best we got:

After eating we exchanged pressies. Which was fun. We also played a bit of random ‘who wants to be a millionaire’, but just as a quiz. Later on we watched a few different bits of TV.
About 4.30 pm, we left. I’m just totally zonked, as ever. I was in bed at home by 6.30 pm. Which is where I am now, as type this…