Oh Life, where Art is Heaven,
Tho’ hollow seems the game
Yet days do come;
And nights, as one;
On Earth, are we yet in Heaven?
Eat we, each day, our daily bread.
And forgive our own mistakes,
As we forgive the mistakes of others.
May we forbear from Evil;
And avoid foolish Council.
For this is our World,
Our Hour, and our Story,
For these fleeting moments.

I wrote a first draft of the above a while back (buried deep in this old post). And said I’d prob’ revise it, and certainly print and recite it.

Well, today I’ve finally made good on the first part of that.

The revisions are all very minor. And certain bits still irk me a little. For example, ending on ‘Okay’, rather than ‘Amen’. But I like the basic idea.

And I think I’ll get it printed, a few times, in a bespoke font of my own creation (maybe hand lettered?). With some nice decorative elements; borders, perhaps? Or illuminations?


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