HOME/DiY: 1:20 Art Studio Model, Day VII

Internal and external cladding underway.

I’ve been working on this project about a week now. I still feel pretty shitty after the most recent Covid jab. But I think I’m gradually improving. And getting out to do a shift yesterday was, despite my fears, good.

Today I’m doing a slightly longer shift. I’m also expecting some thin sheets of balsa, from Amazon, to arrive some time today. When they do, I can start cladding the internal and external wall of the art studio.

Internal cladding in progress.
Using squares as weights.
More weights for gluing…

But the main effort today, despite the aforementioned cladding, was putting sheets in the roof. Jeez… roofing is hard! Both on models, and real buildings. I know, ‘cause I’ve done both.

Far from perfect.
The roof starts to take shape.
A first lick o’ paint.
Needs a second coat!

The roof was a bit of a nightmare, to be honest. And is far from perfect. But never mind. It is what it is. And it serves as a salutary reminder, if/when I transition to doing a real build, to put a lot of time and effort into getting the roof right.

The last thing I did, before turning in for the night, is the feather-edge style ‘shiplap’, pictured at the top of this post. There remains plenty more of that to be done.

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