HOME/DiY: Soak Away

I’ve been thinking about how our home needs improved drainage around it (and all the guttering needs renewing/replacing!). And the above cropped up in my YouTube feed. Well worth watching.

I’ve no idea as to if/when we might deal with this. But at least I’ve learned a bit more about the subject. Some good new info (new to me, that is!): plastic crates wrapped in a membrane create, in effect, a large tank like space, to take rain water run off.

A membrane around the crates allows water through, but stops dirt getting into the crates. Soak away pipes need to be 110mm diameter. And there are certain special junction boxes, with dirt collection traps, for east access/maintenance.

The one ton digger these guys used was ‘only’ £80 for a days’ hire. Which, whilst not super cheap, is less than I expected. Lots of food for thought here. Anyway… back to my art-studio model build, for now.

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