FOOD: Proletarian Fare – Fish & Chips, Home-Made

Ok, so I didn’t make battered cod, or mushy peas, I just steamed them both. But I did make nice fries, finally using the deep-fat-fryer I got off Freecycle a year or more back.

Soaking the chips in water for two hours, and then double-frying them, really wasn’t too onerous. Indeed, the whole process, bar the lengthy soaking, was remarkably quick. The chips took a little over ten minutes. The peas and fish about five!

I’ll certainly be cooking home made fish n chips more often, now I’ve made a start with the fryer. It’s simplicity itself. And the frying in oil of the chips is, I think (hope?), offset by the healthily steamed veg and fish.
I think it’s primarily the batter on commercial fish n chips that makes me feel bloated when we occasionally ‘treat ourselves’ to a chippy take out. This home made supper didn’t leave me feeling uncomfortable.

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