HEALTH & WELLBEiNG: Survival Mode, Again…

On Saturday last I did a short shift. I came home with energy to spare. Very unusual lately. I even started working towards the renewal of the west-facing wall in shed #1

Then, on Sunday, I slipped back into utter exhaustion mode. I’d intended to work in earnest on replacing the side of the shed. But… not a chance!

I was in bed, sleeping on and off, all day. I tried a short spell downstairs. Managed about 45 minutes. Then back to bed. I’m so tired that sleeping a lot on and off during the day isn’t adversely affecting my ability to sleep at night.

The way I see it, I’m back in basic survival mode. Fortunately the depression element has lifted somewhat. So whilst I’m past tired, and not happy to be unwell, at least I’m not suicidally depressed at the moment.

I watched a bit of snooker yesterday, including the live final between Mark Shelby and John Higgins. I do find snooker a therapeutic thing to watch. Calming. And esp’ so when I’m too tired even to read.

It’s Monday now. I had two shifts booked. But I’ve cancelled the second/longer/later one. Frankly it’ll be a miracle, feeling as I do, if I can do the afternoon one.

But economic needs dictate that I work as much as I can manage… so, we shall see what we shall see.

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