DAYS iN: Tidying Shed #1, The Workshop

The pictures above show the state of utter carnage that currently prevails in the shed workshop. This shed, shed #1 (so called because it’s the first shed we had, on moving in here; we inherited it) is intended to be our art studio as soon as poss’.

Pictured above, I moved a light that was previously just sat on a work surface, to the ceiling. Much better! It’s still carnage in the shed. But progress has been made. A fair amount of stuff has been moved out, or binned. And what remains is starting to be a bit more organised. Another similar blitz tomorrow ought to see things substantially improved.

So, after a delish pasta dinner (watching Portillo week-ending in the amazing city of Prague), we came out into the garden, for a fire and a coffee. A lovely way to round off the day!


My driving license finally arrived today. We were overjoyed. I can resume work. Or can I? I’m unable to update my driving license via the Flex app, and trying to do so directly, via email, so far, has not worked either. Gaaah!

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