DAYS iN/HOME: New Lavatory Arrives


As well as finishing reading Mr Gillray, our new toilet, only ordered yesterday (thanks, Dad!) arrived. The highlight of my day!


The new crapper arrived about an hour after I’d cooked myself a brunch of eggs, bacon, mushroom and garlic, on toast.


Batting bog-related texts back and forth with plumber and drummer pal ‘Dyno’ Rod Norman, lead to an exploration of the avian bird genus, Turdus. What fun!

Chester checks out the new khasi.

I’d asked Rod if he could recommend a plumber out our way. And he suggested Jim Daykin. Like Rod, Jim is a very talented musician. He’s due 1 pm tomorrow, to plumb the new lavatory in.

Apart from taking receipt of the new turlet, today was a day of resting and reading. Tomorrow, as well as Jim’s plumbing visit, my aulde pal Paul, from Cambourne – just retired – is visiting. And I needs must start trying to flog stuff, due to current unemployment.

Here we go… again.

But for now, back to tonight, I’m starting on Vol I of Rodger’s epic naval trilogy, Safeguard of the Sea.

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