DAYS iN: Back Home

Chilling with a brewski (tea, that is!).
Reading in the garden in the sun.

All things considered, getting home is alright, I guess? Initially I felt rather deflated. Back to the same old same old…

Chester pauses, mid-drink…

But then Chester re-appeared. Having gone AWOL – according to Mel – for a spell, his reappearance was a real mood-sweetener.

His wound has healed nicely.

So, we’re back home.

Antonio, who only got back from collecting Ali from NZ on Thursday, is off to Spain again today, for his work. So we’ve hardly seen him!

Mel holds forth.

Our lovely neighbour, Mel, who fed and looked after Chester – inc. giving him his meds – whilst we were away, popped round for tea and a catch up.

Oh, crap…

This is the sort of thing, above, that makes home-coming less happy. Goddamn clutter!

Reinstated shelf unit.

I brought a set of shelves back indoors, that has been out in the garden a good long while. And I restocked it with books, clearing two other areas that were ‘library overflow’; namely, the upstairs landing shelves, and the shelves near the dartboard.

Shoe-bie doobie doo!

This in turn freed up space to use the ‘new’ (Freecycle) metal IKEA storage unit, which we’ll be using as a temporary shoe storage solution.

I guess that means we’ve been reasonably industrious for our sacred-Sunday of rest?

Chair swappage, and yet more clutter.

Oh, all this rearranging also entailed swapping the two armchairs round, so as to maintain some form of passageway, ‘twixt the chairs.

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