Chester came in bleeding profusely yesterday. And it was a devil of a job cleaning him up and keeping him in. Repeated attempts to put a plaster or bandage on him came to nothing.
I phoned an out of hours emergency vet, as our usual vet was closed. They wanted £300. Not possible! Anyways, we shaved and repeatedly cleaned his wound. And it seems to be healing.
We also gave him some calming pain killer type medication.

Not what you want just before you leave for a weeks holiday. The first ‘proper’ holiday in, oh… at least five, poss more, years?
And then our friend and current house guest breaks our toilets flush mechanism. It was damaged already. But it could be made to work with the right technique. Alas, heavy-handed Pat’ has now broken it completely. It can no longer be bodged, as before.
Really we need a completely new toilet. As the old’un is shite, and has numerous issues, beyond the formerly dodgy but now totally buggered flush.
In the meantime, to flush the loo we must fill a bucket with water, and ‘manually’ flush the system.

I have neither the time, money or patience/inclination to fix the toilet today, Sunday. The final day at home before we go away on holiday tomorrow.
Our departure tomorrow is already going to be pushed back a bit, by a visit to the vet, to get Chester’s wound checked. Teresa’ll have to cover that, methinks. As I’m in dire straits – and I ain’t Mark Knopfler – financially (as usual).
Not what one needs or wants on the eve of a much-needed holiday.