HOME/DiY: Fireplace/Feature Wall Re-Paint

Painted. Mirror back in situ.

I should’ve been working today, this afternoon. But I’m not. So I’ve used the time this has afforded me to re-paint the fireplace feature wall.

Teresa joins in the fun!

Teresa was jealous of the fun I was having painting. So I let her join in.

Ta-dah! Just finished.

Two coats, just one tester pot. Fab! And the colour – Ceremonial Ochre, by Valspar (from B&Q) – is just as I’d hoped it’d be. Cool, calm and lighter than the previous heavy ‘port’ red we inherited.

Indeed, it has a Georgian Adamite flavour, which is exactly what I was after. Huzzah!

TV off. Uncluttered.

I love the above photo. It’s nice to see a decent expanse of the wall colour. In fact it makes me think I’ll probably extend this colour onto the walls either side of the fireplace. I’ve still got a whole tester-pot left!

Teresa was a bit anti-repaint. But now she loves it. Which is gratifying. I’m very pleased.


Here’s a wee gallery of Robert Adam’s interiors that I particularly love. Taken from snaps of our terrific book on the man and his works.

I fully intend to incorporate aspects of Adamite design and style into our home, over time. And not just in terms of colours. But let’s wait and see what else I might manage…

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