DAYS OUT: Battle of Cropredy Bridge, Sealed Knot


Well, I sacked off an afternoon shift, choosing instead to take Teresa and I into Oxfordshire (I think!?), to watch The Sealed Knot re-enact the Battle of Cropredy Bridge.

It was two hours drive each way. And only three hours at the show. But it was, I think, worth it. Partly just to claim some life and leisure time for oneself, and one’s own interests.



Rather intriguingly, the versions of events depicted, narrated over the intercom, and described on the Wiki page for the battle, all differ!

The re-enactment was more or less a draw. But the commentators said it was actually, historically, a Royalist victory. The Wiki description of things is less clear cut. The fog of war? History is a lie agreed upon!?

Makes me want to read more on the subject. And edumacate myself, on the topic. If poss’.


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