HOME & GARDEN: New Chairs & Refreshing the Green Room Floor

Clearing away the old stuff.

Part the First…

The wood chip floor of the green room had mostly migrated to other environs. And there were plenty of things growing in the light dusting of soil that remained. So we cleared that all away (as shown above and below).

I took a gamble that three backs of wood chips – £8 a bag from Wickes (1/3 off usual RRP!) – would be enough. And it seems to be just peachy.

Our new reclining chairs in place.

Our two new reclining garden chairs arrived a day early, yesterday. So they’re now in place, in the green room. I’m writing this in the recumbent position. Sheer bliss!

Part The Second…

Hannah, Sofi and Antonio returned, about an hour before we had to leave for my Sunday (!?) dermatology hospital appointment.

Sofi, in new t-shirt and trousers.
Sofi & Hannah.
Antonio & Sofi.
Feed station one.

Part The Third…

We were in and out of Peterborough City Hospital quicker than a virgin at a bordello.

Once home we could finally totally chill, in our new chairs. And even read!

Feed station two.

From where I’m lying, with the new chair in horizontal mode, I can see three bird feeding stations. And, glory be, the birds are starting to learn about the feed we’re putting out for them.

Seeing and hearing these delicate little critters – I esp’ love the little birds – is sheer bliss.

Feed station three.

We have a fourth bird feeder. But it’s in need of repair. In the meantime, Teresa has arrived with dinner… pork korma with rice! Am I in Heaven?

Teresa and Chester join me.

Part the Fourth…

Ah… what joy it is to be alive!

I’m chilling to the Decimus Maximus. A fire and dinner in prospect…


Pork korma, with a side-salad. And banana n’ hazelnut choc-spread pooncakes for afters… joy of joys!


I built a wee fire. And it burned just right for us, during dinner.

The view.

The view from where I’m laying, in recline mode, is fab. And the birds are learning they can eat their feed even if we’re sat here.

The green room roof, really coming along.

I asked Teresa to pinch me. Am I dreaming? Have I died and gone to Heaven? Very recently the ‘weather in my head’ (thanks, Don) had been pretty awful. Right now I’m in Nirvana!

And to finish a perfect day: Champagne Charlie, in our cosy lounge…


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