Beautiful willow, Kings Ripton.

St Peter’s, Kings Ripton

Alas, shut! Have to return another time.

Wood Lane off Broughton Road is lovely:

Formerly St. James, Little Raveley.


This church, thought to date back to about 1230 AD, is now a private home. The homeowner very kindly let me take a few snaps. And we had a nice chat about what it’s like, living in a converted church. Something I’d love to do!

Humble but beautiful dandelions, Wistow.

St. John The Baptist, Wistow.

I think I’ve been to this church before?

On this occasion I chanced to pass when a local keyholder was showing a couple of Canadians the place.

I took advantage, and snuck in and snapped away.

And out I go…

As I’ve said before, a one church day is great. Two, even better. Three? Blessed.

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