BOOKS: The Command of the Ocean, N. A. M. Rodger

Real whopper of a tome!

I do love a good doorstop sized book! And at over 900 pages, this is one such. I also love maritime history. And I haven’t really been reading much lately. Partly due to an all-consuming motivation-sapping depression, alas.

I bought this gigantic book at a shop in Whittlesey, called Antiques & Collectibles, or something similar, for £5. The mere act of getting it, never mind starting to read it, is encouraging, vis-a-vis the depression/motivation stuff.

Sooo… enough with the blogging, already. And on with the reading.

The following day…

Ok, so I’m now two chapters in. What do I make of it so far? I think it’s a bit early to make any strong judgements. Mostly I’m drawing solace from the mere fact of having any interest or engagement with anything whatsoever!

It’s clear the author is prodigiously knowledgeable on his subject. And he writes well, for the most part; clearly and with balanced judgement, only slightly blurred at times by a penchant for antique style.

And I’m enjoying it. Even though it’s pretty heavy going, in some ways. Or is it? Perhaps I’m just finding it a little arduous given my current psychological condition? It’s hard to say!

The author.

I’ve just realised/discovered that this is not the first book by this particular author that I’ve bought. I got this, at Waterside Antiques, Ely, a while back:

Very handsome!

Not read it yet, tho’…

Some Days Later…

Well, I’m loving this book. No mistake! It’s very detailed, and very specialised. But it’s also eminently readable, as the saying goes. And after a bit of a literary drought – down to my own issues with exhaustion – it’s the perfect briny tonic. I love it so much I simply must, when I finish this volume, read it’s predecessor, Safeguard of the Seas.

Something else to look for’ard to!

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