MUSiC: Joni Mitchell, Isle o’ Wight, 1970

I was reading my recently acquired Mojo Joni Mitchell special today, and an article on Blue talked a bit about her 1970 Isle of Wight performance.

So far I’ve only ever seen/heard one or two of her tracks from this event, and I had judged it a mistake for her to even perform at such a huge rock concert. Pearls before swine, poss? But certainly an inappropriate setting for such subtle, delicate, gentle music.

Reading this…

For me Joni really only ought ever to have been experienced performing in intimate coffee house type settings, or at Jazz Café type venues.

I think gigs over a certain size are mostly a bad idea. They’re more about money (‘bums on seats’), than quality of experience, for either artist or audience.

Anyway, reading about how her Isle o’ Wight set evolves, made me want to watch the whole thing. I don’t yet know if the above video is just that, or not, as I have yet to watch it.

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