A brilliant album I can’t listen to.

I’m having real problems with mornings right now. I simply don’t want to engage with the world. And I’m putting off doing so as long as I can.

Part of it may be necessary recovery. But I feel fairly sure that part of it is down to a depression. A depression that may not lift or dissipate until dealt with.

Trouble is… I just don’t know what to do! I’ve very definitely lost my mojo…

Anyway, I was thinking about music in general, as I very often do, and Sting in particular. Not 100% sure why? And as I thought back through several of his albums, when I reached Dream of the Blue Turtles, a lance of pain went through my heart.

I think the Sting train of thought left the station on thoughts of ‘Fragile’, due to how fragile I currently feel. Good ol’ Gordy Sumnoid.

Unresolved, unhealed pain from the deep past. Casting a long and baleful shadow. What does one do? It may – it ought to? – perhaps, help me understand dad’s situation a bit better.

I dunno… I just feel like throwing in the towel, to be honest. Coping, or attempting to, is too draining/enervating.

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