Prole’ Fare…

Did two delivery shift out of Wisbech Mozzer’s today. Both up, around and in Kings Lynn. Absolutely nowt of interest to report about them.

It was a scorching hot day. 32°, acc to my iPhone app. As high as 35° acc to my in car temperature gauge. Thank goodness for decent in car air-conditioning.

Once home, I had to pop out and collect Teresa, from the March station. Her train was affected, aka delayed, allegedly (acc to the train folk) due to the heat.

Once back home, again, and for a change, I cooked… hot dogs! Simple. But tasty and fun.

Tucking in.

Teresa provided the sliced cucumber accompaniment, to keep us decent and honest. I cooked enough to feed us both, and Antonio.

I slept till midday today. Total and utter exhaustion! And I’d felt pretty shitty once up and about. But fortunately things gradually improved. Work, whatever its other highs and lows, is, for me at present, a tonic.

It grounds me, calms me (mostly!), and of course keeps us (just about) solvent.

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