Well, today we go on another family boat trip, again out of the Fish & Duck Marina, as last time. Will dad be there? Can I handle the scenario?
Sadly I had a less than ideal night, not sleeping as fully or soundly as I’d have liked. That doesn’t help! Nor, truth be told, do dreams of paranoia and alienation, such as I was having shortly before I woke.
In my dream, I’m asked to helped prepare some kind of joint birthday party type celebration for – well, I forget who, now – the music to be provided by Tom O’Grady & co.
Despite being asked to set up, and even take part, I soon realise I’m redundant. And not only that, not invited to the event at all. So I get the hump and leave.
A parallel thread with Teresa and I being lost in the sticks is also part of the unsettling melange. But the key notes are paranoia, exclusion, and social isolation.
At one point in the dream I’m either totally naked in public, or mostly so. And ashamed of myself/my body. Amongst this maelstrom of anxiety there’s plenty that very obviously relates to my real life current situation.
I’ve been mercifully free of such sleeping troubles, and/or associated psychic disturbances. It’s really not great for this to happen on the eve of another potentially fraught family boating trip.
I had said, earlier in the week, I/we may not be able to make it. But I’ve subsequently improved, and said we will. Then this! Oh well, I’ll be brave n’ bold. It might wind up being a tonic? Who knows?
I’ll take some ear-defense stuff (ear plugs/defenders), in case I need to block out any incessant moaning. But hopefully they won’t be required? Some light-hearted reading material, and suitable clothing…
Teresa wants us to take our camping chairs, for the Ely part of the outing. Do we do. Well, the time has come to go…