HEALTH & WELLBEiNG: Wobbles, Relapses & The Urge to Purge

A huge improvement.

Believe it or not, the image above captures a huge improvement in the state of clutter in that quarter of our bedroom. This area is not so good:

Mayhap I’ll attack this section next?

I took four black bin bags full of clothes, from Teresa’s mum’s place, and a chunk of my own clothes (that are damaged or past their best), and dumped the lot in the clothing recycling bins in the Sainsburys car park.

I also took about 80-100 vinyl records (and a tiny little electric ‘disco light’!) to one charity shop, and two bags full of mostly WWII military history books. I’d guestimate about 60 books. The only non-military stuff was a small selection of duplicate Tolkien paperbacks I really don’t need.

Teresa just came in, beaming, with these.

Teresa popped into the garden briefly, as she often does of an evening. And came upstairs, face all aglow, with two whopping great figs. She planted a number of fig twigs taken from her family’s fig tree, in Stanmore, several ago. And they’ve thrived.


Now to less happy matters: last night I drank a small (35 cl) bottle of whisky, purchased en-route home from work, at Aldi. I’ve been drinking the occasional alcoholic ‘Dame Edna’ for a while, after a spell of tee-totalism. And, in those famous last words of the alky-horlick… ‘I fort I cud ‘andle it.’

Well, up till last night, I could. And did. Sadly, however, on this occasion whisky precipitated other foolishness. And Lordy-Lord, I was paying for it today. I’ve sworn blind I’d not make these fool mistakes again. But, lo and behold, I do.

What brings on these occasional relapses? Wobbles. By which I mean fits of depression and frustration. Anyway, I think – I fervently hope – I’ve weathered this wee storm? It’s the same day/evening as the worst of my behaviour. The edgy panic, the fear and loathing have, mercifully, passed.

This has been helped by a number of things: my darling wife; The Samaritans; my own coping procedures (affirmation cards, positive activity, etc); and… by stopping before I slid off the edge.

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