Whilst I’m now technically out from under the dread weight of false-allegations made against me. I’m also really not. Those lies had a profound effect on my already fragile mental health. And they totally trashed my teaching career.
Ok, so I’d wanted out of teaching for a long time. But not in the manner in which it transpired. The every cloud has a silver lining/always look on the bright side of life view is a good one. And helps me pull some good stuff out of the bonfire.
But damage has been done.
And I suspect my current hypersomnia is related to all this stuff. I’ve often talked here about my preference for sleep or oblivion to the soul-enervating grind of daily life. Well, I turned in 8.30 pm last night. It’s 12.30 pm the following day. That’s 14 hours. For almost all of which – hallelujah! – I’ve been asleep.
Right now I’m obeying the diktats of mind and body. Going with the flow. My mind and body beg me to sleep. So I do. But I don’t think this is a sustainable long-term type of behaviour.
Anyway, the time has come to get up. Get dressed. And get out and deliver. At least my job is bearable; mainly thanks to the short/flexible hours. The low pay is another matter altogether.